Nanyang Primary School - Annual Sports Meet 2011
Jia Min was fielded in the B Division Girls’ 600m event and it was a pleasant surprise when she came in ………..
…… 1ST ! Yipee !!!
Singapore Sports School – Primary Schools Invitational Track & Field Meet 2011 – 12 March 2011 As Jia Min did well in the 600m event at the Nanyang Primary’s Annual Sports Meet, the school’s HOD-PE, Mr Lim Chee Min, gave Jia Min the opportunity to participate in this SSP Invitational Meet.
She was nervous competing in the Track & Field event as it was a totally new experience for her. She felt that for a run, she has only 1 chance to do a good run whilst in badminton, if she loses a point, she still has a chance to win the next point.
Warming up before her event….
Getting ready for her event ……..
and …… off she goes with the pack ……….
Trailing behind at the turn …………
but ….……catching up near the finishing line …………
to come in………………
3RD ! …… with a timing of 1:58:76 ….. Yeah !!!
With the 1st place winner of the 600m event
“Good Job!” Mr Lim Chee Min with Jia Min after her race.
Mr Lim Chee Min said “ OK, let’s proceed to the National.” :) :) :)
Training ….. managed to squeeze in only 2 training sessions with the Track & Field team in between her badminton trainings.
Jia Min came in 4th in the overall heats for the 600m event, with a timing of 1:58:69, qualifying for the Finals.
Alas…… she did not make it to a medal position in the Finals.
She had a great time taking part in the Track & Field runs and thought she looked quite cool in her running attire….although she felt the shorts were a little too short :) :)
After the National event, we were pleasantly surprised to receive invitations from Nanyang Girls’ High School, CHIJ ST Nicholas Girls’ School and Cedar Girls Secondary School to their Open House Sports Clinic, “Tea with Principal” and a talk on DSA respectively. We, of course, politely declined all the invitations as she still prefers …………… BADMINTON !!!
Thanks Mr Lim Chee Min and NYPS for the experience !!!!!!